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Children and Young Ones

Browse our large catalogue of resources the families of the deployed can use.

Babies on the Homefront:
App that offers an array of written and video information to share with families, including behavior tips, parent-child activities, and parental self-care strategies.
Military and veteran parents of young children
Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA)
Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character, and living a healthy lifestyle.
All Kids
(404) 487-5700
Build A Sign
Free, 100% customizable banners for families celebrating the homecoming of a deployed loved one.
Service Member coming home
Website only
ChildCare Aware (Home Station AGRs and Technicians)
Access to a high-quality, affordable child care system.
Military Families and DoD
(703) 341-4100
Daddy Dolls
Provides unique, high quality comfort items to families who can’t be together for whatever reason.
(231) 268-3100
H.E.R.O.E.S Care:
Provides emergency financial aid, employment opportunities, and mental health care services through a network of specially trained care givers before, during, and after deployment.
Military Families and Communities
(636) 600-0096
Hearts Apart Photography
Newborn photos (to those whose deployed member cannot be home for the birth due to military obligations).
Deployed while baby is born
Military Child Education Coalition
Ensures inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation.
(254) 953-1923
Military Impacted Schools Association
A national organization of school superintendents. Serving school districts with a high concentration of military children.
Military Families and Communities
Military Kids Connect
Interactive website that helps children of deployed parents cope with the stress, changing responsibilities, and concern for the safety of their parents.
website only
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
Provides information and resources about services for traumatized children, their families, and communities.
Our Military Kids Grant
Grants to National Guard service members that can be used to cover the cost of program fees, equipment, uniforms, or even lessons for that activity.
National Guard members that are involved in sports or extracurricular activities during deployment of 120 days or longer.
(703) 734-6654
Sesame Street’s Workshop “Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, Homecomings, Changes”
Supports military families with children between the ages of 2 and 5 as they cope with the feelings, challenges and concerns experienced during different phases of deployment.
24 hour tutoring for students in kindergarten through 12th grade.
All Military, DoD
United Through Reading Program
Uniting Military Families facing physical separation by facilitating the bonding experience of reading aloud.
YMCA/DOD Military Outreach Initiative:
Offers memberships and respite child care services to eligible military families and personnel through the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Military Outreach Initiative.
Families of Deployed National Guard and Reserve, Active Duty Assigned to Independent Duty Locations, Relocated Spouses of Deployed Active Duty Personnel, Community-Based Wounded Transition Units, and Respite Childcare
(703) 455-3986 x 208
Empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices.
(800) 450-9111
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