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Browse our large catalogue of resources the families of the deployed can use.
Organization | Service | Requirements | Phone |
Disney Theme Park Tickets | Discount Tickets | U.S. Military or their spouses including the National Guard, Reservists and the U.S. Coast Guard | (407) 939-5277. |
Free admission for museums and parks | Provides free admission to museums and parks to military and their families. | Military and Military Families | 202-682-5400 |
Helping Heroes Fly | Provides airfare to enlisted military personnel so that they can be home with their families for holidays, and special occasions. | Active Military | (970) 515-3792 |
Information Tickets and Travel (ITT) | Provides information on local events and tickets at substantial military discounts to military and their families. | Military and Military Families | Contact your ITT on Base |
Sea World and Busch Gardens | Free admission | Active Military and Families | CA: 619-222-4Sea |
USO Wisconsin | Offers tickets to cultural, theatrical and sporting events to military personnel and their families. | All Military | 414-763-2214 |
Vet Tix | Get free tickets to games, concerts and other events. | All military, Family, and Veterans | website only |
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