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Military Resources
Browse our resources below.
Organization | Service | Requirements | Phone |
Active Duty Dental Plan for Deploying/Returning National Guard members | Eligible service members that utilize the ADDP can receive civilian dental care at no cost for covered services. | On active duty for more than 30 days, Contingency Operation, Transition Assistance Management Program | 1-866-984-2337 |
After Deployment Care | The website provides self-care solutions targeting post-traumatic stress, depression, anger, sleep, relationship concerns, and other mental health challenges. | Service Members, their families, and veterans | |
American Association of Suicidology | Prevention of Suicide | Everyone | (202) 237-2280 |
American Red Cross | Emergency Contact with Deployed Service Member. | Family Emergency | 877-272-7337 |
Armed Forces Vacation Club | "R&R" program that offers military and other Department of Defense-affiliated personnel the opportunity to enjoy vacations at popular destinations around the world. | All active duty, guard, reserve and retired U.S. military and civilian employees of the Department of Defense | website only |
Armed Services YMCA | The essential programs are childcare, hospital assistance, spouse support services, food services, computer training classes, health and wellness services, and holiday meals. | All MIlitary Families, specially Junior-enlisted men and women | Website only |
Automatic Federal Tax Filing Extension | Extends time to contribute to IRA. | Active Duty | 1-800-829-1040 |
Babies on the Homefront: | The app, made possible by the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, offers an array of written and video information to share with families, including behavior tips, parent-child activities, and parental self-care strategies. | Military and veteran parents of young children | 1-202-638-1144 |
Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) | Provide a world-class Club Experience that assures success is within reach of every young person who enters our doors, with all members on track to graduate from high school with a plan for the future, demonstrating good character and citizenship, and living a healthy lifestyle. | All Kids | (404) 487-5700 |
Build A Sign: | Free, 100% customizable banners for families celebrating the homecoming of a deployed loved one. | Service Member coming home | Website only |
Camp American Legion: | A place for family reintegration and support following a service member’s deployment.Provides rest and recuperation to Wisconsin veterans of all ages, military service members and their families. | Wisconsin Resident and Just got off deployment | 715-277- 2510 |
Career One Stop Veteran and Military Transition Center | Veteran and Military transition center is a one-stop website for employment, training, and financial help after military service. | Transition into Civilian | 1-877-872-5627 |
Caregiver Resource Directory (CRD) | Proacively supporting wounded, Ill, and/or injured service members in the recovery and reintegration or transition to civilian life | Tranisition into Civilian LIfe | Website only |
ChildCare Aware (Home Station AGRs and Technicians) | Every family in the United States has access to a high-quality, affordable child care system. The child care system supports children’s growth, development and educational advancement and creates a positive economic impact for families and communities. | Military Families and DoD | (703) 341-4100 |
Citizen Soldier for Life (CSFL) and Employer Assistance Program | The CSFL program’s vision is to prepare and connect service members and their families with employment, education, and financial education opportunities to maintain a resilient force capable of accomplishing the State and Federal mission. | National Guardsmen, Reservists, and their families | 1-800-292-9464, Option 1 |
Corporate America Support You (CASY) | Assistance and services needed to facilitate job placement. | Transitioning military, veterans, National Guard and Reserves | 1-877-696-7226 |
Daddy Dolls | Helping to keep families connected by providing unique, high quality comfort items to families who can’t be together for whatever reason. | None | (231) 268-3100 |
Deployment and the Post 9/11 GI Bill: | GI Bill provides education benefits for servicemembers who have served on active duty for 90 or more days since Sept. 10, 2001. | Deployed for more than 90 days | (844) 698-2311 |
Disney Theme Park Tickets | Discount Tickets | U.S. Military or their spouses including the National Guard, Reservists and the U.S. Coast Guard | (407) 939-5277. |
Dogs On Deployment | Our mission is to give military members peace of mind concerning their pets during their service commitments by providing them with the ability to find people and resources able to help them. | Deployment | 619-800-3631 |
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | A voluntary service that provides assessment, counseling, referral, management consultation, and coaching services to Federal employees and agencies throughout the United States. | Federal Employees | 1-800-222-0364 |
Employment Resource Guide | Employment resource guide for military. | National Guard and Reserve members, their families and communities, | Website only |
Employment Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) | Employment resource for Guard and Reserve branches of the military. | National Guard | 800-336-4590, Option 1, |
Equifax | Deploying Servicemembers: Put an Active Duty Alert | Deployment | 1-800-525-6285 |
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)/Tricare ECHO (Extended Care Health Option): | AD/ AGR/ Guard/Reserve Activated (30+ Days T-10 Orders) are eligible for EFMP enrollment leading into availability of Tricare ECHO services. | ||
Experian | Deploying Servicemembers: Put an Active Duty Alert | Deployment | 1-888-397-3742 |
Family Assistance Center | Referral based services to geographically-dispersed families and retirees from all military components. | All Military | Website only |
Federal Voting Assistance Program: | Obtain information on State instructions, forms, electronic voting tools, and state and local election official contact information. | Deployed during Elections | 800-438-8683 |
Fisher House | Donates "comfort homes" to allow family members to be close to a loved one during the hospitalization for an unexpected illness, disease, or injury. | All military and Veterans | (888) 294-8560 |
Free admission for museums and parks | The National Endowment for the Arts, Blue Star Families, and the Department of Defense value our collaboration with museums nationwide and applaud their commitment to growing their communities to include military service personnel and their families. | Military and Military Families | 202-682-5400 |
Give an Hour | For those who don’t have access to compassionate mental health care. | All Military, Veterans, Families | Website only |
GreenCare/SnowCare for Troops: | GreenCare aids military families who have a loved one deployed and are in need of a little extra help with landscaping service free of charge during the length of deployment. SnowCare for Troops helps with snow and ice removal free of charge. | Deployed for Rank E6 and below | 877-758-4835 |
H.E.R.O.E.S Care: | Care combines the power of national organizations dedicated to providing emergency financial aid, employment opportunities, and mental health care services through a network of specially trained care givers before, during, and after deployment. | Military Families and Communities | (636) 600-0096 |
HearthMath | Empowers people to self-regulate their emotions and behaviors to reduce stress, increase resilience, and unlock their natural intuitive guidance for making more effective choices. | Everyone | (800) 450-9111 |
Hearts Apart Photography | Newborn photos (to those whose deployed member cannot be home for the birth due to military obligations). | Deployed while baby is born | |
Helping Heroes Fly | Provides provide airfare to enlisted military personnel so that they can be home with their families for holidays, and special occasions when they otherwise can't afford a ticket. | Active Military | (970) 515-3792 |
Honor Flight | Service provides America’s Veterans to Washington, DC to visit those memorials dedicated to honor the service and sacrifices of themselves and their friends. | Veterans | 937-521-2400 |
ID Me | Allows Veterans and other individuals to securely prove and share their identity online. | Everyone | Website only |
Information Tickets and Travel (ITT) | Information on local culture, venues, and leisure-time activities, Tickets to all theme parks in your local area and around the country at substantial military discounts, Tours include local entertainment attractions and sites, Travel Services, including airline, hotel, rental cars, cruises, and all varieties of tours
| Military and Military Families | Contact your ITT on Base |
LinkedIn | Offers Veterans and their spouses one year of free LinkedIn Premium and LinkedIn Learning. | Military and Veterans | Website only |
Mental Health | Mental health services and resources by zip code. | Veterans | (800) 273-8255 |
Mental Health First Aid | National program that teaches how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illness and substance abuse disorders. | Everyone | website only |
Mental Health Texas | Provides information, resources, and direction to Texas residents who may have mental health needs, or who want to support someone who does. | Texan Resident | 1-800-273-8255, Press 1 |
Military Child Education Coalition | To ensure inclusive, quality educational opportunities for all military-connected children affected by mobility, transition, deployments and family separation. | Everyone | (254) 953-1923 |
Military Family | Provides support and programs for those who serve and the families who stand behind them. | Spouse of Service Member - active duty/guard/reserve/retired/veteran | 703.931.6632 |
Military Impacted Schools Association | Military Impacted Schools Association (MISA) is a national organization of school superintendents. Our mission is to serve school districts with a high concentration of military children. | Military Families and Communities | 800-291-6472 |
Military Kids Connect | The highly interactive website that helps children of deployed parents cope with the stress, changing responsibilities, and concern for the safety of their parents. The website has features that will help children, parents, and educators navigate the wide range of practical and emotional challenges military families must live with throughout the deployment cycle | Deployment | website only |
Military Officers Association of America | Leading voice on compensation and benefit matters for all members of the military community. The association provides expert advice and guidance to its members. | All Military, Veterans, Spouses | (800) 234-6622 |
Military OneSource | Provides up to twelve nonclinical sessions per person, per issue, with a licensed professional. These personal sessions are available face-to-face, by telephone, or online. | All Military | 800-342-9647 |
Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts Program (MyCAA | MyCAA helps military spouses pursue licenses, certificates, certifications, or Associate's Degrees necessary for gainful employment in high demand, high growth Portable Career Fields and Occupations. | Available to military spouses of service members in grades E1-E5 and O1-O2. | 800-342-9647 |
Military Spouse Corporate Career Network | Increase job placement and career development for military spouses and family members through the elimination of employment obstacles. | military spouses, caregivers, and family members | 1-877-696-7226, |
National Child Traumatic Stress Network | Provides information and resources about services for traumatized children, their families, and communities. | All Children | (310) 235-2633 |
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline | Provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. | Everyone | 1-800-273-8255 |
Operation Homefront (OHF) | Provides emergency financial and other assistance to the families of our service members and wounded warriors. | All military, military families and Veterans | (877) 264-3968 |
Operation PURPLE | Children/families going through deployments, reintegration, or coming together after injury, offers special programs such as summer camp, retreats and healing adventures. | Injured | 703.931.6632 |
Operation We are Here | Care package suggestions and themes, lists companies that send out free care packages. | Military and Veteran's | |
Our Military Kids Grant | Grants to National Guard service members that can be used to cover the cost of program fees, equipment, uniforms, or even lessons for that activity. | National Guard members that are involved in sports or extracurricular activities during deployment of 120 days or longer. | (703) 734-6654 |
PTSD Coach | A mobile application that provides information about PTSD, self-assessment and symptom management tools and resources available for help in dealing with post trauma effects. | Military, Military Families, Veterans | Website only |
Pentagon Federal Credit Union | Membership with qualifies for membership with PenFed Credit Union. | All Military, Familes, Veterans | 1-800-247-5626 |
Plan My Deployment | create a unique checklist for the Pre-deployment, Homecoming, and Reintegration stages that contains only the information you and your family need to successfully navigate the process | Pre Deployment | 888-363-6431 |
Pre-Activation Tricare | eligibility begins on the date your orders are issued or 180 days before you report to active duty, whichever is later. During this "pre-activation" period, you qualify for the same benefits as you have when you're activated. | Pre Deployment | 1-877-874- 2273 |
RallyPoint | Digital platform for the military community to come together and discuss military topics both socially and professionally. | Military | website only |
Real Warriors Campaign | Psychological health by encouraging the military community to reach out for help whether coping with the daily stresses of military life, or concerns like depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder. | Military | 800-273-8255 and press 1. |
Recruit Military | Help with employment for military service members. | Service Members | website only |
Remember Everyone Deployed (RED) | RED's mission is to show solidarity and support for our deployed service members every Friday until they return home to their families, carry the message to national levels, and serve the military community and their families by showing that they are never forgotten. | Everyone | (786) 704-3598 |
Sea World and Busch Gardens | Free admission | Active Military and Families | 619-222-4Sea |
Sesame Street's Workshop -Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, Homecomings, Changes | This bilingual multimedia outreach program is designed to support military families with children between the ages of 2 and 5 as they cope with the feelings, challenges and concerns experienced during different phases of deployment. | Children | 212-595-3456 |
Spouse Education & Career Opportunities (SECO) | education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources and tools for all stages of a military spouses career progression. | Military Spouses | 800-342-9647 |
Start Your Recovery | Provides support and resources for overcoming substance abuse. | Everyone | website only |
State Benefits | All 50 States Benefits | All Military | 844-698-2311 |
Student Veterans of America (SVA) | Provides programs, resources, and support to local student veteran organizations. | Student Veterans | (202) 223-4710 |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration | Provides leadership and resources, programs, policies, information and data, funding, and personnel for mental and substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services. | Everyone | 800-662-HELP (4357) |
Suicide Prevention/Veteran Crisis Line | 24/7 supoprt line, free to all Service members. | Everyone | 1-800-273-8255 press 1 |
TAPS - Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors | TAPS offers compassionate care to all those grieving the loss of a loved one who died while serving in our Armed Forces or as a result of his or her service. | Families of Military | 800-959-TAPS (8277) |
Team Rubicon | eam Rubicon unites the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy | Veterans | 310.640.8787 |
Texas Health and Human Services' Family Alliance Grant Program | Helps Veterans take charge of their mental health and get better accesss to treatment and services. | Veterans | Youtube video |
ThanksUSA | A non-partisan, charitable effort to mobilize Americans of all ages to "thank" the men and women of the United States armed forces. | Community | 1-877-849-8727 |
The Mission Continues | Empowers veterans to continue their service, and empowers communities with veteran talent, skills and preparedness to generate visible impact. | Veterans | (314) 588 8805 |
The National Park Service | Provides free entry into 400+ National Parks and over 2,000 recreation sites across the country. | Everyone | 310-640-8787 |
The Veterans Crisis Line | The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource that’s available to anyone, even if you’re not registered with VA or enrolled in VA health care. The caring, qualified responders at the Veterans Crisis Line are specially trained and experienced in helping Veterans of all ages and circumstances. | Veterans | 800-273-8155, push 1 text 838255 |
Together We Served (TWS) | A comprehensive military records of Military Veterans posted by Veterans themselves, including memories and photographs. | Veterans | website only |
Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Discharge | Resource center for TPD discharge of William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program loans, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program loans, Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program loans, and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program service obligations. | TPD discharge, | 888-303-7818 |
TransUnion | Deploying Servicemembers: Put an Active Duty Alert | Deployment | 1-800-680-7289 |
TriCare | Allows free counseling with a provider of choice under certain circumstances. | National Guard/Reserve Members and Families | 1-877-874- 2273 |
TriCare Dental Program | Dental care for active military. | Active Military | 1-877-874- 2273 |
Tricare | Healthcare for active military. | National Guard/Reserve Members and Families | 800-538-9552 | | Free resource for military families to get help on their schoolwork. It offers 24 hour tutoring for students in kindergarten through 12th grade. | All Military, DoD | 800-411-1970 |
US Chamber Foundation | Hiring Our Heroes is a nationwide initiative to help veterans, transitioning service members, and military spouses find meaningful employment opportunities. | Veterans, service members, and military spouses | website only |
USO Wisconsin | Offers tickets to cultural, theatrical and sporting events to military personnel and their families. | All Military | 414-763-2214 |
USPS | Free military care package mailing kits. | Military & Diplomatic Mail | 800-275-8777 |
United States Department of Veterans Affairs | Principal advocate for America's Veterans. | Veterans | 1-800-827-1000 |
United Through Reading Program | Together, We Unite Military Families Facing Physical Separation By Facilitating The Bonding Experience Of Reading Aloud | Deployed | 858.481.7532 |
VA for VETS | Resume writing assistance and job searches | Veterans | 844-698-2311 |
Vet Fran | To facilitate the transition of veterans into franchising by encouraging franchisors to offer discounts and incentives to veterans on the one hand, and to assemble resources, tools and a database of franchising opportunities for veterans on the other. | Veterans | 202-662-0781 |
Vet Tix | Get free tickets to games, concerts and other events. | All military, Family, and Veterans | website only |
Veterans Buy America | Certified B Corp and established to invest with purpose along side military veterans rehabbers and home builders within and around distressed communities. | Veterans | 214-890-6164 |
Vets 4 Warriors | 24 hour peer support line for National Guard and Reserve service members. | National Guard and Reserve service members | 1-855-838-8255 |
Voices For America's Troops | The Military Voices Initiative provides a platform for veterans, service members, and military families to share their stories. In doing so we honor their voices, amplify their experiences, and let them know that we—as a nation—are listening. | Military, Military Families, Veterans | website only |
Wills and Power of Attorney | Legal Worksheets for military service members. | All Military | 800-342-9647 |
YMCA/DOD Military Outreach Initiative: | Offers memberships and respite child care services to eligible military families and personnel through the Department of Defense’s (DoD) Military Outreach Initiative. | Families of Deployed National Guard and Reserve, Active Duty Assigned to Independent Duty Locations, Relocated Spouses of Deployed Active Duty Personnel, Community-Based Wounded Transition Units, and Respite Childcare | (703) 455-3986 x 208 |
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